Introducing the next generation of Adult Leaders

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Over two weekends in November and March there were 4 adult volunteers at the Clyde Regional Sectional Training course to complete all the necessary learning to gain the much sought after wood badge to signify the completion of their adult training in their roles as Sectional and Assistant Sectional leaders within Calder District.

It was a 4 day intensive course in order to complete all the mandatory modules specified by The Scout Association, and leader Roxanne Chapman from 1st Clyde (Plains) Scout Group left us with the following thoughts: “As someone who is completely new to scouting, I feel that I simply could not have offered the same quality of service to the youth members without this training. It is informative, interesting and left myself with lots of ideas for our youth members. It was a really fun approach to learning and I had a great time, met loads of new people, shared experiences and made new friends.”

The training also highlighted the key values of Scouting while leaving all adults with the impression that anything in Scouting is possible with the right tools for the job.

Course director Peter McMahon, from Clyde Regional Scout Council, who oversees the sectional training weekends has said: “The tutors, trainers and myself were impressed with the commitment shown in giving up their valuable time by those who completed the two weekends and by the high standard of work produced. We really enjoyed working with every one of them and look forward to them now validating the modules with their Training Advisers and gaining their Wood Badges.”

The response from all involved is absolutely fantastic and we will look forward to seeing the next generation of leaders in action across our groups in Calder District.

Summing up the event Bill Craig, Calder District Scouts District Commissioner, left us with the following message:

“I always encourage leaders to attend sectional training weekends as it leads to the leader achieving confidence, knowledge and the ability to pass this on to our youth members and develop a well balanced programme from the experience they have gained in attending these courses. The new leaders are the life blood of Scouting and these sessions allow them to be given the tools to develop their sections for all our youth members throughout Calder District.”